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Kijoma Broadband : No BT, No Satellites, Just fast Internet and Telephone !
on: Tue 01 of Oct, 2019 [14:45 UTC]  (236374 reads)
Ask us about Telephone - No need for a BT line ! - No Line rental ! - Ultra Low call costs !

NEW UNLIMITED services rolling out across West Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire

Down speed
Up Speed
Monthly Usage Allowance
Price per month
Basic Unlimited
£16.99 inc VAT
24 Months
Home Unlimited
£24.00 inc VAT
24 Months
Business Unlimited
£37.20 inc VAT
24 Months
Broadband Extreme UL
£80.00 ex VAT
12 Months
These new services also include a Telephone line, No more line rental, no more high call costs or crackly muffled calls, No BT !
Call costs : Land lines - 1.2p per minute, Mobile 8p per minute, International - most major countries - 1.8p per minute
No per call connection fee or charges for Caller ID or Answer Phone. FREE voicemail to Email plus many other features too.
Our classic service levels are still available as below and you can add Telephone for only £2.40 a month.

Down speed
Up Speed
Monthly Usage Allowance
Price per month
Top Up*
Home Light
up to 40Mbps
up to 2Mbps
20 GB Peak time
£13.99 inc VAT
12 Months
£1.20 inc per GB
Home Standard
up to 40Mbps
up to 2Mbps
40 GB Peak time
£17.99 inc VAT
12 Months
£1.20 inc per GB
Business Standard
up to 40Mbps
up to 5Mbps
70 GB Peak Time
£22.98 ex VAT
12 Months
£2.40 inc per GB
Business Plus
up to 40Mbps
up to 10Mbps
120 GB Peak Time
£31.20 ex VAT
12 Months
£2.40 inc per GB
Broadband Extreme
up to 50Mbps
up to 20Mbps
250 GB Peak Time
£80.00 ex VAT
12 Months
£2.40 inc per GB
Top Ups are added to your account and remain until fully used (usage above your normal limit). They do not otherwise expire.
* Minimum Top Up : 10GB (Home Tariff), 5GB (Business Tariff)
NOTE: The actual transfer speeds you will be capable of will be estimated on order, measured at installation and then recorded on your account.
Peak Time 08:00 to 23:00 - all tariffs are unmetered during Off Peak hours

Who has the fastest Broadband in the West
on: Mon 22 of Feb, 2016 [09:04 UTC]  (130223 reads)
An update on Kijoma service speeds compared to the rest for the West of West Sussex.

The four groups with Hooksway in the centre are Kijoma customer tests , the rest are.... The rest..

Broadband and Telephone - cheaper than the rest !
on: Mon 18 of Jan, 2016 [11:23 UTC]  (139318 reads)
Independent Providers such as Kijoma are often criticised for being more expensive than BT. This of course is usually for the same reason a local shop is more expensive than a supermarket.

Kijoma, unlike other mainstream Providers owns and runs all of its Networks and infrastructure. This is not funded by subsidies or hand outs, it is funded ultimately by the customers who use it.

What it does mean of course is if there are any faults then we can detect them and fix them far faster than the other Providers. We do not have to book the company which owns the lines or infrastructure to investigate, we also do not threaten customers with a £140+ bill if the fault turns out to be due to something they own or use.

It also means we can and do upgrade our Networks and these upgrades benefit our existing customers first. Our aim is not to chase new customers and let the existing ones stagnate, as some do.

To add to this we can also provide services such as Telephone via our Networks and as this has no reliance on BT or their antiquated phone lines then it also means we can provide it much cheaper and with a far higher call quality.

We use and recommend Voipfone (cache) an award winning Telephone Provider. You can say goodbye to line rental and connection fees, as many of our customers have already and say hello to much lower cost calls, direct support without foreign call centres, FREE 1471, 1571, Caller ID and FREE calls to other customers on the same system, wherever they are. Not forgetting being able to have multiple calls on the same line at the same time and of course stupidly low cost International calls.

Don't take our word for it though, visit and enter in the details from your last BT bill, then compare the totals.

Some customers have gone from paying £35 a month to £5 a month, many even less. Business customers save even more and savings of ~£1000 a year are not uncommon.

Where else can you get Broadband and Phone with 1 penny calls for under £17 a month ?

Click "Read More" for a comparison and example

New tariffs and upgrade work a plenty
on: Sat 31 of Jan, 2015 [09:54 UTC]  (141398 reads)
We are continuing our infrastructure upgrade work started in 2014 . This work is to increase capacity and improve performance . Many areas are already benefiting as this is rolled out.

As it is effectively our customers and not the public purse paying for the upgrade work then it only seems right that we should introduce new service levels this year.

These will initially only be available to existing customers within upgraded areas. We are aiming for more flexible tariffs without set limits and as a bonus a combined phone and Broadband option!

By combining phone and Broadband customers will make actual real world savings over a typical traditional fixed line bundle, including eliminating the need for £16+ line rental!

Some customers have already independently moved their telephone service away from ancient phone lines and now enjoy low cost calls worldwide, clear and sharp sound quality, free calls and and a whole host of free benefits that they used to have to pay for or were not available.

None that we know of have ever looked at going back. We certainly haven't.
Broadband in West Sussex - where is the public money going?
on: Thu 09 of Oct, 2014 [21:16 UTC]  (24094 reads)
Many of you living in West Sussex are probably looking forward to receiving the benefit of the ~£11M of central and county tax payers cash given to BT towards improving Broadband..

Many of you may live in areas Kijoma do not as yet cover. If this is you then you may find it interesting to note the situation in some areas of the county where significant time and money are currently being spent. At least two of these areas already have a fast Broadband service in place and have had for ~9 years with over 96% population take up.

However it was decided ~3 years ago by the County Council that the service (from Kijoma) in those areas did not exist and they publicly declared there was/is NO Broadband in these places via their website and in the media, plus they also put it in writing to us.

So if you find your area is not included in the public funded upgrade of BT's system and you lack an option of Broadband service of 2 Mbps or over then perhaps it might pay to ask why your location is less important than one where another commercial provider already operates?

It is hardly surprising that this apparent abuse of public resource for competitive gain is causing other ISPs such as Kijoma to hold off investing in new areas while this uncertainty exists.
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